Sunday, July 20, 2014

Who has the ___? Singing voice game

One of my favorite singing voice games that I've seen work WONDERS in bringing out kids' singing voices is based on the song Frere Jacques/Are You Sleeping.

Here is the original version of the game:

Teacher tosses small stuffed animals to students, or hides items behind their backs.

Teacher sings (to the tune of Are You Sleeping): "Who has the brown bear?"
Child who has it sings in echo: "I have the brown bear!"
Teacher sings: "Who has the dog?"
Child who has it sings: "I have the dog!"
Teacher sings: "Who has the black bear?"  (the hardest line to sing, so out of the 3 kids with turns this round, the child with the highest aptitude should get this one!)
Child who has it sings: "I have the black bear!"
Teacher sings: "Pass them on, pass them on" as students pass their toys to other students.

Here's a new twist on it with a focus on resting tone, for the younger kids who are still primarily focusing their singing voice work on finding the resting tone:

Same game as above, but the students sing "ME!" on the resting tone, instead of echoing the entire line. See below!

This can be done with ANY set of 3 items. Examples:
marker, pen, eraser;
rainbow, gold, leprechaun;
spider, ghost, witch;
tiger, bear, lion;

I usually try to make the second item the one with the shortest name, because of the half note in the music in measure 3.

Happy singing! :)

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