Monday, July 21, 2014

Generalization Rap!

Disclaimer: I did not write this! I got it from AMAZING Michigan music teacher friends! But my students love it so much they chant it in the hallway after school, so it's too good not to share. :)

My students like to have fun with this one, get some beat-boxing going underneath, or some stamp-stamp-clap, stamp-stamp-clap's going on. Also, they like adding rapper arm movements. Haha. 

Lesson plan:

Say the rap as students move to the beat. When the rap is over, students put up their index finger ("put up number one") if they want a turn. When it's their turn, the teacher chants a rhythm on BA, and the student translates it to rhythm syllables (DU's and DU-DE's).  

Before they start translating, I have the students give me patterns on BA, and I translate them to rhythm syllables as an example. Then, when THEY'RE translating the patterns, I base the patterns they're translating on patterns they've echoed in LSA's, and they are successful at this!!!

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