
Friday, July 21, 2017

Forest: Dorian tune and activities

Another new tune for you!  

Activity ideas: 

  • Do a story-related seated or locomotor movement activity: What could the hiker see next in the forest?  Should we pretend it's a scary forest at night (with Halloween characters) or a sunshine-filled forest in the day (with different animals)?

  • Have students move macrobeat and microbeat simultaneously, both stationary and locomotor
    • stationary (macro in heels, micro in fingers tapping different body parts)
    • locomotor (macro with feet walking, micro in hands patting)
      • The locomotor activity can have kids take turns taking "a walk through the forest" by crossing the circle. The class stays on the edges of the circle, and the teacher says "[student's name], ready go!" and the student crosses to the opposite side of the circle with this locomotor movement with macro and micro going at the same time in their walking and their patting.

  • Pair with duple patterns, group and individual

  • Do AB or ABA movement opposites: measures 1-4 staccato flick motion or flow with pulsations, measures 5-7 legato side-to-side motion with hands or swaying whole body.  Measure 8 could be back to staccato, or still legato, depending on teacher preference and student age.

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